Waist Circumference, Waist for Height and Skinfold Thickness, Percentile Curves in School-Going Children of Age 5 to 15 Years


Pediatricians across our country are well versed with undernutrition and its management. While the depths of Pediatric obesity need to be tackled urgently. The consequences of Pediatric obesity range from being a major risk factor for all cardiovascular diseases on a long term, to being a hassle in the child’s social and psychological development [3,4]. Also, abdominal obesity is being largely talked about The International Diabetes Federation states that, “for children age 10 years or older, metabolic syndrome can be diagnosed with abdominal obesity (using waist circumference percentiles) and the presence of two or more other clinical features including elevated triglycerides, low HDL-cholesterol, high blood pressure, increased plasma glucose.” Abdominal fat seems to be the central factor because most patients with the syndrome have excess abdominal fat