This study is to determine the health seeking behaviour of pregnant women


This study is to determine the health seeking behaviour of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic in primary health care centres in Nnewi North Local Government area of Anambra State. A descriptive research design was utilized, and a well structured questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. A total of 110 respondents were used for the study. Results revealed that 81.82% of them suffered from malaria, excessive fatigue, swelling of feet and face, and 9.09% suffered malnutrition. Also majority of respondents (47.27%) were of the opinion that the health problems they face are pregnancy related, whereas a significant number (9.09%) opined that the causes of their health problems were as a result of curse from gods. Husbands’ decision (40.91%) and financial income (36.36%) were seen as the major factors influencing their health seeking behaviour. The researchers therefore recommended that an intensive community mobilization and health awareness programs should be done by health workers; also government should provide free antenatal care services for pregnant women and monitor its implementation.