This study investigates into factors responsible for non-compliance of treatment regimens among clients with diabetes mellitus


This study investigates into factors responsible for non-compliance of treatment regimens among clients with diabetes mellitus in University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH), Borno State, Nigeria. A descriptive study design was adopted. 135 clients were sampled using a convenient sampling technique. A structured questionnaire was administered to 135 clients, and analysis was based on 125 clients that participated fully in the study. The instruments sought information on sociodemographic, knowledge and attitude towards compliance and factors responsible for non-compliance to diabetic treatment regimen. Null hypotheses were set and tested using chi-square (�?�? (à«ï¿½?at 0.05 level of significance. The result showed that 57.6% of clients opined that non-compliance to treatment regimens was as a result of high cost of drug, while, lack of family support and poor attitude of health personnel was expressed by 37.6% and 51.2% of clients respectively. The study concluded that financial, family support and poor attitude of health care personnel which hindered client’s compliance to diabetes mellitus treatment regimen be remedy, thus recommendations were made to enhance compliance and improve the lives of the diabetic clients.