The relation of pain with geographical location in Turkey in transrectal ultrasonography-guided prostate biopsy


In this study, the relationship of patient tolerance in transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS) guided prostate biopsies, with geographical location in Turkey was evaluated. One hundred sixty-two patients with a mean age of 67.9 years (range, 46-82 years) who underwent TRUS-guided prostate biopsies in our clinic were examined. The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used as the tolerance assessment criterion. The mean pain scores according to regions were as follows: Black Sea region, 4.9; East Anatolian region, 3.6; Central Anatolian region, 3.6; Marmara region, 2.2; Aegean region, 1.9; Mediterranean region, 1.5; and Southeast Anatolian region, 1.4. The mean pain score of patients from the Black Sea region was significantly higher than the other regions; whereas the mean pain scores of patients in the East and Central Anatolian regions were significantly higher than the other regions, except Black Sea region. The difference patient tolerance and age were not statistically significant. The geographical locations of the patients were shown to affect the pain levels significantly, in TRUSguided prostate biopsies. In case the results of the present study are confirmed in large-scale studies, it may be beneficial to consider this issue in counseling the patients undergoing prostate biopsies.