The model of superfluid physical vacuum as a basis for explanation of efficacy of highly diluted homeopathic remedies

The homeopathic remedies used nowadays represent dilutions of D30 and higher. Note that the probability of the event that a D30 dilution of 1 mole of a substance contains at least one molecule will be ~0.001%. This makes explanation of the efficacy of highly diluted homeopathic remedies extremely difficult in the framework of existing physical conceptions.
That is why along with attempts to explain the effects of highly diluted remedies on organisms from the physical standpoint, there are explanations based on the placebo effect. The latter is associated with a therapeutic effect caused by suggestion or autosuggestion inducing a positive response of the immune system.
However, the efficacy of using highly diluted homeopathic remedies for treating animals, including evidence given in this paper, cannot be accounted for by the placebo effect, which applies to humans only.
It is noteworthy that the positive results of homeopathic treatment of animals, i.e. cows, as described in this paper, are often achieved by using the same homeopathic medicines that are used in treating similar diseases in humans. Thus both for humans and for animals there seem to be the same mechanism of “correcting” the organism’s functions (No doubt, the placebo effect may take place as concerns humans, however, there should be a different mechanism determining the efficacy of treating an organism with a highly diluted homeopathic remedy).