Quality of Life of Family Caregiver of Patients with Cancer


Background: Cancer diagnosis has a significant impact not only on patients with cancer, but also on their Primary caregivers. Understanding the effects of cancer diagnosis on various aspects of the family caregivers’ QOL is significant because these variables are key components of their quality of life. This study intended to describe the impact of caring for patients with cancer on the quality of life among their primary caregivers.

Method: Quantitative non-experimental descriptive design was used. Study was conducted in the oncology inpatients units of Tawam Hospital in Al Ain. The tools used were demographic proforma for the caregiver and patients and Caregiver Quality of life – Cancer (CQOLC- standardized tool: validated after translation with permission). Totally 120 samples were selected by systematic random sampling method; every second caregiver
was included as per the criteria, followed by the informed consent from the patients and caregivers. The demographic profoma tools were also given to patients and caregivers to fill. When assistance was needed the researcher was available for them.

Result: Majority of caregivers (60%) belonged to 31-50 years of age and 60% of them were females. Most of the caregivers 74.2% were non-Emiratis, Muslims 82.5%, children of the patients 38%, Married 78.3%, studied high school 47%, employed 49.2% and 70% had financial support for the treatment of the patient. 2. Caregiver QOL: Majority of the caregivers (62.5%) had moderate QOL, 35% had good QOL, 3.5% had poor QOL, and none of the participant had excellent QOL. All Caregivers’ demographic variables showed significant difference with p value<.001. All Patients’ demographic variables also showed significant difference with p value<0.5.

Conclusion: Majority of family caregivers of patients with cancer had moderate QOL and there is a strong association between the caregiver QOL with their demographic variables and with the demographic variables of the patients.