Middle East respiratory syndrome Corona MERS-COV
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) is a respiratory illness. It is caused by a virus called Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, or MERS-CoV.This viruswas firstreportedin2012 in SaudiArabia. It is differentfromanyother coronaviruses thathavebeen found in people before.Most MERSpatientsdevelopedsevererespiratoryillnesswithsymptomsoffever,coughandshortnessofbreath.MostpeopleconfirmedtohaveMERS-CoV infectionhavehadsevereacuterespiratoryillnesswithsymptomsoffever,cough,shortnessofbreath.MostMERSpatientsdevelopedsevererespiratory illnessAbout 3 or 4 out of every 10 patients reported with MERS have died. MERS-CoV likely came from an animal source in theArabian Peninsula1. MERS-CoVhas spread from ill people to others through close contactIn addition to humans, MERS-CoVhas been found in camels in several countrie.