How doctors are killing their own profession


Before the COVID-19 pandemic started spreading, antibiotic resistance was turning minor infections into life-threatening emergencies. In USA, the number of people dying with the superbugs escalated to three million people in four years. I did not talk about viruses in my publication “Superbug Pandemic and how to prevent them, (1) knowing viruses come and go, but infections that follow and kill are a hundred times higher than the ones killed by viruses. Unfortunately, not many doctors gave any importance to my message and continued to abuse antibiotics and encouraged people to use sensitizers during this pandemic. They also cleaned empty hospitals using strong chemical and fumigate streets and shopping centers. This callous attitude has now helped superbugs get stronger, firmly establish in healthcare centers and hospitals in a short time. This will be resulting in a major threat to patients getting admitted to hospitals for tests, investigations, minor or major surgery during the post- COVID-19 era.