HIV-related oral lesions as markers of immunosuppression in HIV sero-positive Nigerian patients


This study was carried out to assess the use of HIV-related oral lesions as markers of immunosuppression defined as CD4+ cell counts 0.05. Lesions with moderate to high PPV for CD4 <200 cells/mm 3 were pseudomembraneous candidiasis (96.3%; P = 0.003), angular cheilitis (96.0%; P = 0.004) erythemathous candidiasis (94.4%; P = 0.025), and melanotic hyperpigmentation (87.1%; P = 0.040). Oral hairy leukoplakia was the only lesion significant for HIV- RNA  20,000 copies/ml (PPV: 89.3%; P < 0.05). Oral candidiasis and melanotic hyperpigmentation could be used as markers of immunosuppression depicted by CD4 counts <200 cells/mm 3 while oral hairy leukoplakia could indicate HIV- RNA 20,000 copies/ml in an adult Nigerian population.