Hand Wash: Preventive Measure for Covid19


In recent times, a novel type of viral infection has emerged in Wuhan City of China, with new genomic sequenced CoVs, which called as novel CoV strain (2019-nCoV) or severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV-2 (SARS-CoV-2). It is imperative to vigilance the readers about COVID-19 virus which transmitted through direct contact with respiratory droplets which produces through coughing / sneezing of an infected person or touching contaminated surfaces where viruses can several for several days. Simple personal hygiene procedures can protect humans from COVID 19 infections. Promoting fine hand hygiene by use of soap or alcohol containing sanitizer are most basic, cheapest and powerful tools to reduce risk of spread of such SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) a global pandemic. The present manuscript covers numerous personal hygiene practices, spreading pathway of COVID19 infection, classification of COVID 19 virus, details regarding hand wash techniques. We here summarize structural details of Corona Virus like envelop composition, genetic composition and numerous classification aspects of virus. Also basics of mechanism of soap for destruction of virus and importance / effectiveness of soap against COVID 19 virus. In this review, we address important points regarding hand-wash techniques and necessary care for hand-wash. Parameters regarding selection of effective sanitizer.