Garbhsanskar Mental and Intellectual Development of Unborn Child


GARBHSANSKAR essentially means educating the mind of the fetus. This is derived from Sanskrit words Garbh [fetus in the womb] and Sanskar [educating the mind]. It is traditionally believed that a child’s mental and behavioral development starts as soon as he is conceived. His personality begins to take shape in the womb, and this can be influenced by the mother’s state of mind during pregnancy. This knowledge can be traced back to ancient scriptures and is included in the Ayurveda. Although it may sound strange and weird, your bond with your child starts right from the time you conceive. It is not that when the child is born you know him. The baby listens to you and feels your feelings even when it is developing in your womb. You can shape up your baby’s first impressions by listening to good music, visualizing, massaging gently meditating and of course, with the help of positive thinking. The popularity of GarbhSanskar is also because researchers have proved its relevance and importance in the development of the child. There are scientific evidences that prove that a baby inside the mother’s womb responds to the outside stimulus and has the ability to listen. Doctors and experts also believe that there is a significant effect of the hormonal secretions that are activated by the thoughts of a mother on the unborn baby