Evidence Based Approach of Emphysematous Pyelonephritis: A Case Report.


This is a case report of a 64-year-old man with Type 2 diabetes mellitus who was presented with symptoms of fever, vomiting, and flank pain. The patient was diagnosed with Emphysematous pyelonephritis (EPN). Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a serious, acute necrotizing renal parenchymal and perirenal infection with the formation of gas. Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus, obstruction of the urinary tract are the main predisposing factors and Escherichia Coli is the most frequent causative pathogen. Computed Tomography (CT) scan revealed well-defined emphysematous right pyelonephritis, urethritis, and cystitis. Imaging revealed the presence of extensive gas in the renal parenchyma prompting the use of broad-spectrum antibiotics and percutaneous drainage as a part of a conservative management regimen. The patient made a full recovery and was discharged 15 days after admission.