Evaluation of sero positivity of MMR vaccine against mumps, measles and rubella, three weeks after first inoculation (12 months after birth) and second inoculation (18 months after birth), in children referred to Abuzar's health center of Zahedan in 2009-2010.


Viral infections like mumps, rubella and measles have significant complications such as menengioencephalitis, adverse impact on fetal and mortality of malnourished infants. Iranian children vaccination against these three diseases (MMR vaccination) has begun since 2004 in two stages, 1 year and 4-6 years of age. Currently the vaccination program has changed to one year and 18 months of age. The aim of this study was to determine antibody titer (seropositivity) about 3 to 4 weeks after the first and second stage of MMR vaccination. In this study, that it's a descriptive - cross sectional study, antibody against mumps, rubella and measles was determined in 184 children referred to Abuzar's health center of Zahedan in 2009-2010 by using ELIZA test. In the first stage of vaccination 93 children and in the second stage 91 children were selected such as samples. Among the first customers exactly 53 people had been repeated in the second stage (during our study in the first stage and second stage had received their vaccines). In comparison between the 93 children studied in phase of one year (only once had been vaccinated) with 91 children in phase of 18 months (two had received vaccine injection) was determined that in phase of one year: rubella seropositivity was 83.9%, mumps 76.3% and measles 62.4%. But in phase of 18 months: rubella seropositivity was 93.4%, mumps 80% and measles 78%. Among 53 children studied in one year of age, almost 91% (48 cases) and 18 months of age all cases (100%) were seropositive. Mumps in 81% (43 cases) in one year of age and 84.9% (45 cases) in 18 months of age were seropositive, that difference was not significant statistically. Measles in 56.6% (30 cases) in one year and 18 months in 79.2% (42 cases) were seropositive. The results showed that there isn't any significant difference between the sexes in all level of seropositivity. In addition, two times administration of vaccine is more effective than one time vaccine administration in increasing seropositivity. The rate of seropositivity of measles and mumps is lower than rubella that need for review of interventional factors, such as malnutrition, sorts of vaccines, cold chain compliance and vaccine storage's method.