Evaluation of health profiles of sickle-cell patients managed in University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu Southeast, Nigeria


Sickle cell anemia is a progressive hemoglobinopathy producing chronic hemolytic anemia, microvascular thrombosis, ischemic pain, tissue infarction, decreased quality of life, shortened life expectancy. The study evaluated health profiles of sickle-cell anaemia (SCA) patients. This simple random cross-sectional survey sampled 68 subjects undertaking treatment at the Sickle-Cell Clinic, University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Ituku-Ozalla between January to December, 2010; using an adapted and modified questionnaire which also used Visual Analogue scale to assess the pain levels. After which, data collected were analysed decriptively. 30(44%) and 38(56%) subjects were males and females respectively. 13(19.0%) SCD patients within <1-5years were most frequently treated and 2(2.9%) of 31-35 & >45years-the least. Prevalence of pain occurred among the entire 68 SCA patients. Pain provocative factors include Stress 53 (77.9%), Sitting 4(5.9%), and cold 2 (2.9%). 62 (91.2%) respondents reported direct proportional relationship between pain and Activities of Daily Living; with complications in all patients. Experts’ management involved 68(100%) haematologist and 9 (13.2%) physiotherapists. Patients’ percception of pain relief recorded 61(89.7%) temporal; anger and depression respectively recorded 1 (1.5%) post-treatment; and non in 5 (7.4%). Conclusively, pain perception was an important psychologic and therapeutics factor for the patients wellbeing post-treatment. However, SCA patients’ pain management required qualitative and clinical evidence-based multiagency healthcare services approach especially physiotherapy.