Effects of agronomic practices on blast Ppyricularia grisea) and yield parameters of finger millet (Eleusinecoracana(L.) gaertn) in Southern Guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria



Finger millet is rich in proteins, sulphur, calcium, iron, low glycemic index and high fibre content. Despite its importance, it has yields of400 kg ha-1 compared to 2,500 kg ha-1. Trials were conducted in 2017 and 2018 at the Research farm of Federal University Wukari (Latitude 7o 50’ - 8o 30’N and Longitude 9o 68’ - 9o 89’ E.) to investigate the response of finger millet and blast to plant population and fertilizer. The treatments consisted of two plant population (1 plant per stand and 2 plants per stand) and three N - fertilizer rates (0, 30 and 60 kg/ ha). The treatments were laid out in factorial manner using RCBD with three replications. The results indicated that the leaf, neck and finger blast were highly significantly highest at 1 plant per stand and N level of 60 N kg ha-1.The highest numbers of effective tillers, fingers per head and 1000 kernel weight were recorded at the highest rate of 30N kg ha-1compared to 0 N kg ha-1. Furthermore, plant population of 1 plant per stand and fertilization of 30 N kg ha-1 gave the highest grain yield (1728.42 – 2, 138.24 kg ha-1), compare to the lowest yield from 2 plants per stand and fertilizer rate of 0 kg ha-1. Finger millet (Eleusine coracana subsp. Coracana2n=4x=36) belongs to the family Poaceae, subfamily Chloridoideae and is one of the neglected and underutilized crops of Africa. It is extensively cultivated in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of Africa and India and is known to save the lives of poor farmers from starvation at times of extreme drought (Dida et al., 2007). Finger millet ranks third in cereal production in semi-arid regions of the world after sorghum and pearl millet (National Research Council 1996). It is indigenous to eastern Africa, where the oldest domesticated example of this crop was found in a prehistoric site at Axum, Ethiopia, dating back some 5000 years (Hilu et al., 1979). Moreover, vast genetic diversity exists in this center of origin of Ethiopia and Uganda that has not been exploited to its full potential. In parts of eastern and southern Africa as well as in India, it became a staple upon which millions depend for food and rural household incomes. Its annual world production is at least 4.5 million tons of grain, of which Africa produces more than 2 million tons (National Research Council 1996). Finger millet is adapted to a wide range of environments. The crop is grown mainly by subsistence farmers and serves as a food security crop because of its high nutritional value and excellent storage qualities (Dida et al., 2007).