Climate Change: Is the Science Settled?


As the US prepares for an upcoming Presidential election, the major political parties have formally embraced opposing perspectives on the question of climate change. The Democratic Party has adopted the position that has been outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In short, the IPCC declares that the burning of carbon-based fuels has added carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in unprecedented amounts, resulting in an enhanced “greenhouse” effect with an attendant rise in atmospheric temperatures. This will have a wide range of deleterious effects, to include loss of species diversity, rising sea levels, reduced biological productivity, displacement of indigenous cultures, disruption of hydrological cycles and reduced capacity of our agricultural systems. The scientists shaping these arguments are referred to as “warmists” (or “alarmists”). Their thinking is articulated in a number of journals, which include The Journal of Climate, Climatic Change, Earth Interactions, Nature: Climatic Change and Science, along with an extensive network of websites, such as Real Climate, Hot Whopper, DeSmog Blog and Skeptical Science.