Bioterrorism-A Threat to National Security


The main aim of BWC implementation is to control bioterrorism nationally and internationally. I will be talking about bioterrorism and BWC, mentioning a little bit of its history and challenges due to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases and their contribution to bioterrorism. The topic I am talking about today, is under discussion since 1990 but in 2001 the term of Emerging Infectious Diseases was coined for it, to emphasize the alarming situation of bioterrorism faced even after the implementation of BTWC. Let’s see what we mean from the term “Emerging Infectious Diseases” and how they contribute to and create bioterrorism, and ultimately result in a threat to our national security as well as to international security. At the end I will discuss how we can control it nationally by following confidence building measures and then give some recommendations. Bioterrorism is the intentional release or threat of release of biological agents, viruses, bacteria, fungi or toxins in order to cause harm to human population, livestock and agriculture. Now a day sometime it is very difficult to differentiate between intentional and unintentional release, so actually you have to prepare yourself against both.