Awards 2020 of Cancer and Oncology Research.


Cancer Congress will encourage ƐcŝĞntiƐƚƐ and researchers & young researchers in their early stage of career graph to widely discuss their outcome so as to enrich and develop the idea by ĨĞůŝcŝƚĂtinŐ them with the various Awards in their ƌĞƐƉĞctiǀĞ ĮĞůĚƐ͘ The Main aim is meant to encourage students in taking ĂctiǀĞ part in the /nƚĞƌnĂtiŽnĂů Science ƉůĂtfŽƌm to sharpen their skills and knowledge. The Sponsor & Exhibitor in the Cancer Congress will get chance to expose themselves to new clients, customer, business, brand awareness and media exposure. Our sponsorship has categorized with Premium Sponsorship Packages: Elite Sponsor, Silver Sponsor, Gold Sponsor, džŚŝbŝtiŽn͕ Media Partner, Collaborator, ĚĚŝtiŽnĂů Sponsorship Packages and ĚǀĞƌtiƐĞmĞnƚƐ͘ Our Allied Academies categories seek to acknowledge ^cŝĞntiƐƚƐ͕ Researcher, Professor, Industrialists, and Students in various ƐcŝĞntiĮc ĮĞůĚƐ who are making an outstanding cŽnƚƌŝbƵtiŽn to the world of Science for the bĞƩĞƌ and healthy future.